Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)
Convergence in Passeriformes species of Kabul province using COX1 mitochondrial gene sequence
Author(s): Frishta Samandari, Mohammad Sharif Arianmal and Abdul Wahab Hekmat
Abstract: The aim of this survey is study of Passeriformes of Kabul (Afghanistan). Until now it was thought that these birds are monophyletic. However, recent studies determined that many families of Passeriformes are not monophyletic in traditional classification and extensive molecular investigations are the only way to clarify the phylogeny of this group of birds. Sampling was performed from ten stations in the province of Kabul: ten green, Bagram, Surobi, KhakJabbar, Shekardareh, Gol dare, Paghman, Char Asiab, Anderabei and Kafrushy, in three stages between 2015 and 2016, 190 samples were captured using Mist net, and 148 samples were transported to the laboratory. 110 samples of them were belonged to Passeriformes and 38 samples were not. Sparrows that were caught were from 13 families, 23 genera and 35 species of Passeriformes, that family Emberizdae with seven species has the greatest diversity and family Passeridae with 45 individuals has the highest frequency. After morphometric measurements, the samples were transported to the laboratory for molecular studies, DNA was extracted and COX1 gene was sequenced for identification of species and genetic distances. The Bayesian tree indicated the position of species and genera within families and super families. In this study, genus Passer with four species, genus Motacilla with only one species, genus Carduelis with single species, genus Emberiza with six species and genus Serinusa with single species were positioned in superfamily Passerioiodea. Genus Corvus with a single species and genus Lanius with one species were located in clade Corvida. Two species of genus Luscinia, one species of genus Muscicapa and one species of genus Acridotheres were located in superfamily Muscicapoidea. Two species of the genus Hirundo, one species of genus Phylloscopus, one species of genus Ripria, one species of the genus Sitta, one species of genus Sylvia and one species of genus Eremophila were positioned in superfamily Sylvioidea.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ai.8615
Pages: 2325-2331 | 11980 Views 137 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Frishta Samandari, Mohammad Sharif Arianmal, Abdul Wahab Hekmat. Convergence in Passeriformes species of Kabul province using COX1 mitochondrial gene sequence. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):2325-2331. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ai.8615