International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)

Effect of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) weed management practices on quality parameters, nutrient content and uptake by crop and weed

Author(s): Anamika Nepali, Dr. Arvind Verma, Tarun Kumar Jatwa, Pooja and Neetu Parik

Abstract: Field experiment was conducted during rabi 2017-2018 at Instructional Agronomy Farm of Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur. The experiment consisted of twelve treatments (Pendimethalin 750 g ha-1 PE; Pendimethalin 1000 g ha-1 PE; Metribuzin 150 g ha-1 PE; Metribuzin 200 g ha-1 PE; Imazethapyr 50 g ha-1 PoE at 20 DAS; Imazethapyr 75 g ha-1 PoE at 20 DAS; Quizalofop- ethyl 40 g ha-1 PoE at 20 DAS; Quizalofop- ethyl 50 g ha-1 PoE at 20 DAS; Imazethpyr + Imazamox (RM) 15+15 g ha-1 PoE at 20 DAS; Imazethpyr + Imazamox (RM) 15+15 g ha-1 PoE at 20 DAS; Handweeding at 30 and 60 DAS; Weedy check). Pendimethalin and metribuzin were applied as pre-emergence while all other herbicides were applied as post-emergence at 20 days after sowing and handweeding at 30 and 60 DAS. The twelve treatments were replicated thrice in Randomize Block Design.
The result showed that two hand weeding 30 and 60 DAS followed by pendimethalin 1000 g ha-1 PE and pendimethalin 750 g ha-1 PE significantly reduced weed density and dry weight, thereby attaining the highest seed yield. Net reurn and B C ratio was also the highest in pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 1000 g ha-1 PE and pendimethalin 750 g ha-1 PE.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ag.8596

Pages: 2203-2206  |  639 Views  157 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Anamika Nepali, Dr. Arvind Verma, Tarun Kumar Jatwa, Pooja, Neetu Parik. Effect of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) weed management practices on quality parameters, nutrient content and uptake by crop and weed. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):2203-2206. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ag.8596

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International Journal of Chemical Studies