Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)
The personal and socio-economic characteristics of the farm input dealers
Author(s): KV Kale, BN Hingne, MA Raut and DM Mankar
Abstract: The present study on Training Needs of Farm Input Dealers About Farm Input was conducted in Akola and Wardha districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. For this study 70 dealers were purposively selected from ten tahsils from both districts with the help of proportionate sampling method. The data were collected with the help of structured interview schedule. Personal interview technique was used for data collection.
The results revealed that majority (48.58%) respondents were observed in ‘middle’ age category that is up to 42.52 years having 71.42 per cent respondents were found in ‘medium’ category of experience in dealership. About 64.28 per cent of respondents educated up to 'graduate' level of education and most of them had ‘medium’ land holding (27.14%). Majority of 81.42 per cent respondents had annual income found in the range of Rs. Up to Rs. 3,47,000 to 7,34,000/-. Maximum number of the respondents having ‘medium’ level of source of information (67.14%), followed by 61.42 per cent of respondents had ‘medium’ level of extension contact and social participation (60.00). Majority (70.00%) of the respondents have ‘medium’ level of cosmopoliteness and innovativeness (54.28%). All 100.00 per cent farm input dealers did ‘not received’ training on various aspect related to fertilizers, seeds, insecticides, pesticides and implements. Majority (68.00%) of the farm input dealers had ‘medium’ level of knowledge related to use of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
Results of relational analysis revealed that variables such as land holding, annual income, source of information, extension contact, cosmopoliteness and innovativeness were found positively and significantly correlated with training needs of farm input dealers. In case of other variables like age, social participation and knowledge had shown negative non-significant relationship with training needs of farm input dealers.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1p.8412
Pages: 1181-1184 | 797 Views 173 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
KV Kale, BN Hingne, MA Raut, DM Mankar. The personal and socio-economic characteristics of the farm input dealers. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):1181-1184. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1p.8412