International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)

Evaluation of various selections on growth, flowering, yield and quality in papaya

Author(s): DK Varu

Abstract: An experiment was conducted to evaluate the different selections along with Pusa Dwarf as a check for growth, flowering, yield and quality traits in papaya. The experiment was conducted at Fruit Research Station, Madhadi bag farm, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh (Gujarat). The study revealed that the maximum number of fruits per plants (36.38) and fruit yield (33.81 kg/pl. & 84.52 ton/ha) were noted in Selection-4 (GJP-1). The bearing height is good shine and the check vareity Pusa Dwarf performed with lowest bearing height, but was found at par with Selection-4 (GJP-1). Variation in growth parameters was found significant and lowest plant height and maximum number of leaves/plant were recorded in Pusa Dwarf, while, highest stem girth was noted in Selection-6, but they were observed at par with Selection-4 (GJP-1). Flowering is the main object of plant to target the yield. Significantly the lowest days to flowering was noted in Selection-1 but maturity in Selection-4 (GJP-1). Maximum number of female flower /node was registered in Selection-3, whereas, highest length of pistilate flower, staminate flower and male flower stalk were noted in Selection-6, however, all were found at par with Selection-4(GJP-1). Among the various physical parameters studied, highest fruit length & weight (25.02 cm & 1832 g) were noted in Selection-6, whereas, highest fruit girth (47.3 cm) was noted in Pusa Dwarf but was observed at par with Selection-4 (GJP-1). It was also performed better for highest pulp weight (1327.93 g) and pulp seed ratio (1230.56). Likewise, highest pulp-peel ratio (5.74) was noted in Selection-8, but lowest peel weight (166.10 g) and seed weight (63.63 g) were registered in Selection-2 & 7. In the present study, Selection-6 & 4 (GJP-1) established its supremacy in quality parameters viz., TSS, total sugars, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar over the other varieties. The organolaptic parameters have also great significant to judge the prefarability of the vareity. Highest score of pulp color and taste were noted in Selection-6 & 5, respectively, whereas, the highest flavor, texture and over all acceptibility were registerd in Selection-2, however, it was found at par with Selection-4 (GJP-1). Fruit firmness and shelf life of the fruit is also an important feature which enhances the more market price for longer period due to good keeping quality. Highest fruit firmness and shelf life were noted in Selection-7. Papaya Ring Spot Virus (PRSV) is the major devastating disease of papaya. The result was also observed significant and lowest PRSV infestation was noted in Selection-4 (GJP-1).

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1o.8397

Pages: 1105-1111  |  862 Views  211 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
DK Varu. Evaluation of various selections on growth, flowering, yield and quality in papaya. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):1105-1111. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1o.8397

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International Journal of Chemical Studies