Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)
Behaviour of popcorn (Zea mays Everta) under different nitrogen regimes in the rainfed conditions of valley
Author(s): Saba Shafai, Raihana Habib Kanth, Bashir Ahmad Alie, Ahmad Abdullah Saad, Showkat Maqbool and Shaista Nazir
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted at DARS Budgam, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir during 2016 and 2017 under rainfed conditions with the objective to study the growth and yield of popcorn at different nitrogen levels. Experiment was laid in split-split plot design assigning three Sowing Dates 19th Standard Metrological week (May 02-May 08) (D1), 21th Standard Metrological week (May 16-May 22) and 23nd Standard Metrological week (May 30-June 05). Three nitrogen levels viz: N1 =90 kg ha-1 N2 =120 kg ha-1 and N3=150 kg ha-1. The results revealed that nitrogen levels influences growth characters like plant height, total number of leaves per plant, dry matter accumulation increased significantly with 120kg/ha nitrogen. Also grain and stover yield showed significant and consistent improvement with increased dose of nitrogen (120 kg/ha). Yield attributing characters showed significant improvement with increasing the level at 150kg/ha. Also popping percentage and nutrient content of plant at anthesis and grain was significantly higher for 150kg/ha nitrogen whereas popping volume and nitrogen content in stover was statistically at par with respect to three nitrogen levels.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1m.8373
Pages: 980-984 | 709 Views 175 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Saba Shafai, Raihana Habib Kanth, Bashir Ahmad Alie, Ahmad Abdullah Saad, Showkat Maqbool, Shaista Nazir. Behaviour of popcorn (Zea mays Everta) under different nitrogen regimes in the rainfed conditions of valley. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):980-984. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1m.8373