International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)

Effect of weed management practices on physico-chemical and biological properties of soils in wheat crop

Author(s): Pravesh Kumar, Raj Kumar Pathak, Amar Singh Gaur, Devi Prasad Shukla and Gajraj Yadav

Abstract: The present investigation entitled “Effect of weed management practices on Physico-chemical and biological properties of soils in wheat crop” was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm of N.D. University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya during Rabi season 2016-2017. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. There were ten treatments viz: T1-Sulfosulfuran (POE) @ 0.03 kg/ha, T2-Clodinafop + Metsulfuran (RM) (POE) @ 0.06 + 0.004 kg/ha, T3-Fenoxaprop p-ethyl + Metribuzin (RM) (POE) @ 0.1 + 0.075 kg/ha, T4-Metsulfuran methyl + Iodosulfuran methyl (RM) (POE) @ 0.012 + 0.0024 kg/ha, T5-Sulfosulfuran + metsulfuran (RM) (POE) @ 0.03 + 0.002 kg/ha, T6 –Pendimethalin + 2, 4-D Na (PE) @ 1 + 0.5 kg/ha, T7- Metribuzin (POE) @ 0.175 kg/ha, T8-2,4-D Na) (POE) @ 0.5 kg/ha, T9-weed free up to 60 DAS (3 HW), T10-weedy check. The soil of experimental field was silt loam in texture having low organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and medium in potash. The wheat variety HUW-234 was sown on 04th Dec, 2016 in rows 20 cm apart using seed @ 125 kg ha-1. Recommended dose of fertilizers were applied @ 120:60:40 kg ha-1 N: P: K. Among the different weed management practices weed free up to 60 DAS (3 HW) were found better on the Physico-chemical properties likes, Bulk density 1.27 (Mg/m3), pH 8.0, EC 0.22 (dSm-1), OC 3.35 (%) but biological properties was found better result in T10- weedy check (control plot) likes Bacteria 34.0 (cfu x 106), Fungi 18.0 (cfu x 106) population. Thus it may be concluded that weed free up to 60 DAS (3 HW) was found suitable physical, chemical properties and weedy check (control plot) biological properties of soils than the rest of chemical treatments.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1d.8257

Pages: 270-274  |  946 Views  166 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Pravesh Kumar, Raj Kumar Pathak, Amar Singh Gaur, Devi Prasad Shukla, Gajraj Yadav. Effect of weed management practices on physico-chemical and biological properties of soils in wheat crop. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):270-274. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1d.8257

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International Journal of Chemical Studies