International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2019)

Influence of growth regulators on in vitro seed germination of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus)

Author(s): Vishnupriya J, Thamaraiselvi SP, Hemaprabha K and Kavitha C

Abstract: Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus), an ornamental cacti is having high industrial economic value. The present study was carried out to develop efficient in vitro seed germination protocol for Red Pithaya using seeds as explant. Two types of seeds (Freshly extracted and low temperature stored fruits) were inoculated on MS medium enriched with different combination of Benzyl Amino purine (6-BAP) and indole butryic acid (IBA). Influence of different plant growth regulators at various concentrations alone or in combination were investigated. Germination results showed that the maximum seed germination percentage (90%), Mean Germination Time (6.99 days), Germination Index (55.99) was noticed in freshly extracted seeds in treatment G3 (BAP 2 mg l-1). Germination was started from 4 days after inoculation and continued upto 13th day in fresh seeds and it was delayed in low temperature stored fruits. Rooting was observed in basal MS media.

Pages: 3313-3315  |  560 Views  287 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Vishnupriya J, Thamaraiselvi SP, Hemaprabha K, Kavitha C. Influence of growth regulators on in vitro seed germination of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus). Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(3):3313-3315.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies