Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2019)
A comprehensive study for the management of pigeon pea wilt cause by Fusarium udum (L.) Butler
Author(s): Sandeep Kumar, DN Shukla, RS Mishra, Shivam Singh, Dibya Singh and Shivam Kumar
Abstract: Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is the most important and staple pulse crop of the India and suffered number of diseases like, Alternaria leaf spot, Phytophthora blight, Sterility mosaic and wilt. Pigeon pea wilt is a most destructive soil borne disease caused by F. udum. It is wide spread and caused heavy yield loss nearly 100%. Plant extracts, bioagents and fungicides were evaluated against Fusarium udum. Out of seventeen treatments tested in vitro, propiconazole (0.15%) was found most effective in inhibiting radial growth of the pathogen followed by copper oxychloride, Garlic, Garlic + Tulsi, Tulsi, T. viride, Ginger + Mehandi, Neem, Onion, A. niger, Ginger, Onion + Beal, Mehandi, Beal, Neem + Marigold, P. notatum and Marigold over the check. The highest percent disease control was 97.22 to 94.44 in Garlic and lowest 58.33 to49.44 in Marigold. Among the bio-agents seed treatment with T. viride had controlled maximum wilt incidence 47.22 to 88.88% followed by A. niger (41.66 to 77.78%) and P. notatum (25.00 to 61.11%). Both fungicides were highly effective in reducing the disease incidence. The effectiveness was 100% in propiconazole and 97.22 to 100% in copper oxychloride.
Pages: 422-426 | 588 Views 133 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Sandeep Kumar, DN Shukla, RS Mishra, Shivam Singh, Dibya Singh, Shivam Kumar. A comprehensive study for the management of pigeon pea wilt cause by Fusarium udum (L.) Butler. Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(2):422-426.