International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2019)

Efficacy of certain insecticides against Brinjal shoot and fruit borer [Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee)] under field condition

Author(s): Hoshiyar Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Sharanappa, Ramkinkar Sahu and Hadi Husain Khan

Abstract: The present investigation entitled “Field efficacy of certain insecticides against shoot and fruit borer [Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee)]” was conducted during July, 2015 at Agricultural research farm, SHUATS, Naini, Prayagraj(Allahabad). The occurrence of shoot and fruit borer was commenced from 34th standard week (August third week) with an average 0.72% infestation. The shoot and fruit borer population increased and gradually reached peak level of 5.87% infestation at 41st standard week (October second week). Thereafter, declined trend was observed due to fall of maximum and minimum temperatures as optimum weather condition are decreasing. Therefore Per cent infestation was positively correlated with the maximum and minimum temperature. Hence decline of temperature lead to the decline of the shoot and fruit borer population. Three application of seven insecticides viz; spinosad 45 SC (0.2 ml / lit), Flubendamide 20 WG (0.5 g / l), Chlorantraniliprole 20 SC (0.05 ml / l), Profenophos 50 EC (0.05 ml / l), Alphamethrin 10 EC (0.01 ml / l), Acephate 75 SP (0.5 g / l) and Neem oil (2 ml / l) were evaluated against shoot and fruit borer. Yields among the treatment were significant. The highest yield was recorded in T2 Spinosad (218.5 q/ha) followed by T4 Flubendamide (198.6 q/ha), T5 Chlorantraniliprole (186.9 q/ha), T7 Profenophos (174.7q/ha), T1 Alphamethrin (170.2 q/ha), T6 Acephate (162.4 q/ha), T3 Neem oil(140.4 q/ha) as compared to control To (80.4 q/h). When cost benefit ratio was worked out, the best and most economical treatment was T2 Spinosad (1:6.34) and T4 (1:6.31) followed by T5 (1:6.03), T7 (1:5.63), T1 (1:5.53), T6 (1:5.21) and T3 (1:4.49) as compared to control To (1:2.69).

Pages: 2049-2051  |  513 Views  100 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Hoshiyar Singh, Ashwani Kumar, Sharanappa, Ramkinkar Sahu, Hadi Husain Khan. Efficacy of certain insecticides against Brinjal shoot and fruit borer [Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee)] under field condition. Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(1):2049-2051.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies