International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2019)

Validation of DSSAT model of rice cultivars under different growing environment of Eastern plain zone of U.P.

Author(s): Sachin Kumar Shukla, AN Mishra, AK Singh, Arpita SN and Manoj Kumar

A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2016 to generate the ground truth data of rice crop at Agrometeorological Research Farm of N.D.U.A&T, of Kumarganj, Faizabad as to assess the “Validation of DSSAT model of rice cultivars under different growing environment of Eastern plain zone of U.P.” The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design. The treatment comprised of three dates of Transplanting viz. 5th July (D1); 15th July (D2) and 25th July (D3) with three varieties viz. NDR-80 (V1); Pant Dhan-4 (V2) and Swarna (V3). The historical field crop data of year 2014 and 2015 were used for calibration and its validation was made from field crop data of year 2016.
Result reveals that crop growth simulation model was Model simulated the days taken to Panicle Initiation, Anthesis, Physiological Maturity, and Yield. And yield was closed in Accordance to Observed value and model overestimated the V1 and V2 Underestimated in 2016. And maturity was closed in Accordance to Observed value and model overestimated the V3D3 except D1D2 and V1, V2 Underestimated in 2016 and in Anthesis V2, V3 were overestimated and D1V1 were underestimated. Lowest error % was recorded in timely Transplanting crop of rice (5th July) with Swarna variety (D2V3) and error % increased with delay in Transplanting. DSSAT crop growth simulation model in rice crop depicted well the variation in yield due to varying crop growth environment. The simulated grain yield and phenological events were overestimated to observed values in timely transplanting suggested that the simulated yield were well within the accepted limits, therefore the model can be used for predicting rice yield and phenological events in eastern U.P.

Pages: 2018-2022  |  629 Views  133 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Sachin Kumar Shukla, AN Mishra, AK Singh, Arpita SN, Manoj Kumar. Validation of DSSAT model of rice cultivars under different growing environment of Eastern plain zone of U.P.. Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(1):2018-2022.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies