Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2019)
Response of rice varieties to fertilizer levels and nitrogen split applications on growth and yield of direct seeded rice
Author(s): Sangeeta, BG Koppalkar, BK Desai, Satyanaranrao, Mahadev Swamy and Narayan Rao
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Agricultural College Farm, Raichur during kharif season of 2016 and 2017 to know the response of rice varieties to fertilizer levels and nitrogen split applications on growth and yield of direct seeded rice. Pooled mean of two years indicated that Gangavathi sona (V1) recorded significantly higher plant height (69.13 cm), dry matter production (40.50g hill-1), graine yield (4562 kg ha-1), net returns (51745 Rs. ha-1) and B C ratio (1.99) when compared with BPT 5204 (V2). Among the fertilizer levels, F3 (200:100: 100 NPK kg ha-1) recorded significantly higher plant height (80.39 cm), dry matter production (41.08 g hill-1), graine yield (4661 kg ha-1) where as net returns (54850 Rs. ha-1) and B C ratio (2.05) was significantly higher with F2 (150: 75: 75 NPK kg ha-1). Similarly among N-split applications, N3 (50% N and entire P and K as basal and remaining 50% N in two equal splits at 30 and 60 DAS) recorded significantly higher plant height (69.79 cm), dry matter production (40.74 g hill-1), graine yield (4441 kg ha-1), net returns (50078 Rs. ha-1) and B C ratio (1.96). Hence, on the basis of the results obtained in the pooled data of the two years, variety Gangavathi sona with a fertilizer levels of 200:100: 100 NPK kg ha-1 with N-split applications of 50% N and entire P and K as basal and remaining 50% N in two equal splits at 30 and 60 DAS was found to be economical and better option to obtain higher grain yield.
Pages: 1622-1625 | 456 Views 131 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Sangeeta, BG Koppalkar, BK Desai, Satyanaranrao, Mahadev Swamy, Narayan Rao. Response of rice varieties to fertilizer levels and nitrogen split applications on growth and yield of direct seeded rice. Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(1):1622-1625.