Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2019)
Impact of zero tillage on wheat production in north-western indo-gangetic plains of India
Author(s): Sanjay Sapkal, Sujit Mohalkar, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar and GK Jha
Abstract: The paper has compared the economics of wheat production in North- Western Indo-Gangetic Plains of Haryana under zero tillage and conventional methods and assessed the contribution of technology and inputs to the increased productivity due to zero tillage (ZT). The net income has been found higher in ZT method, mainly due to lower cost of production and incremental gain in yield as compared to that in conventional method. The study has observed that ZT technology has potential to provide additional income to farmers and help in conservation of scarce resources. The PSM technique revealed 5.30 quintal incremental gain in productivity due to ZT. Despite several economic and environmental advantages, adoption of ZT technology has been limited and one major constraint identified as the lack of lack of technical knowledge followed by more weed infestation. The study has suggested that ZT technology should be disseminated on a wider scale with the help of better technical support to the farmers.

Fig. 1: Density of the propensity score for ZT technology impact, Haryana
Pages: 529-532 | 584 Views 117 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Sanjay Sapkal, Sujit Mohalkar, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar, GK Jha. Impact of zero tillage on wheat production in north-western indo-gangetic plains of India. Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(1):529-532.