Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2019)
Development and nutritional evaluation of weaning foods to prevent protein- energy malnutrition in infants
Author(s): Laxmi Pandey and Vishakha Singh
Abstract: The aim of the study was to develop weaning foods for the infants by using locally available resources, their organoleptic evaluation and proximate composition, to combat protein-energy malnutrition. Two weaning formulations (multigrain and nut mix; banana, apple and rice kheer) were processed and evaluated for infants of age 6-12 months and 9 months onwards. After which weaning foods formulations samples were developed by mixing the ingredients. The prepared weaning foods were investigated for organoleptic evaluation and proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat, crude fibre and ash content). The mean score of overall acceptability obtained by organoleptic evaluation of the multigrain and nut mix; banana, apple and rice kheer was 8.22 and 8.36 respectively, at zero day. The proximate composition indicated that moisture content of multigrain and nut mix; banana, apple and rice kheer were 1.87 and 3.58 percent, respectively. The crude protein of multigrain & nut mix and banana, apple & rice kheer were found 21.23 and 3.99 percent, respectively. The fat content of multigrain and nut mix; banana, apple and rice kheer were found 11.34 and 2.11 percent, respectively. The crude fibre and ash content were found 7.22 percent, 4.62 percent and 5.95 percent, 4.70 percent in multigrain and nut mix; banana, apple and rice kheer, respectively. Both the weaning food formulations organoleptic ally fell in the category of “liked very much†and nutritionally have a good potential for use as weaning foods for infants.
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Pages: 05-09 | 1444 Views 277 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Laxmi Pandey, Vishakha Singh. Development and nutritional evaluation of weaning foods to prevent protein- energy malnutrition in infants. Int J Chem Stud 2019;7(1):05-09.