Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Effect of weed management practices and seed rates on energy input, output, input output ratio, energy use efficiency and energy productivity on direct seeded rice production system
Author(s): SK Jha, N Pandey and Sunil Kumar
Abstract: The relation between agriculture and energy is very close, agricultural sector itself is an energy user and energy supplier in the form of bio-energy. An experiment was conducted during kharif 2013 and 2014 with six weed management and three seed rates in Inceptisols in strip plot design. Rice variety MTU 1010 was taken as test crop. Result reveled that traditional beushening method proved significantly superior seed yield over other weed management practices (52.5 q ha-1) was at par with the hand weeding twice (50.8 q ha-1) and sequential application pre -emergence oxadiargyl 70 g ha-1fb bispyribac Na @20 g ha-1 at 25 DAS (50.2 q ha-1).Input energy was highest in biasi method (12.2 MJX103) followed by the hand weeding (11.9 MJX103). However, the weed management through herbicides shows low input energy as compared to the biasi method and hand weeding. The input energy was high in combine harvester as compared to manual harvesting system. Maximum output energy was recorded under the biasi method (152.7 MJX103) which was statistically superior over all the treatments. During the investigation seed rate does not influence the output energy and almost similar output energy was produced by the 120, 80 and 40 kg ha-1 seed rate. The maximum energy use efficiency (9.6) was recorded in withpre–emergence application of oxadiargyl 70 g ha-1fbbispyribac Na @20 g ha-1 at 25 DASon mean basis. Efficiency of harvesting through harvester was less as compared to the manual harvesting but the difference was very marginal in both the years. However, harvester reduces the human energy in rice production system and promotes the timely operation. Energy productivity (.44kg MJ ha-1) was recorded maximum in pre -emergence application oxadiargyl 70 g ha-1 fb bispyribac Na @20 g ha-1 at 25 DAS treatment which was at par with biasi method and hand weeding and other chemical control method. High energy productivity in combine harvester reveals the production of more yields per hectare by the expenditure of input energy, although the output input ratio and energy use efficiency was high in manual harvesting method.
Pages: 2054-2058 | 518 Views 96 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
SK Jha, N Pandey, Sunil Kumar. Effect of weed management practices and seed rates on energy input, output, input output ratio, energy use efficiency and energy productivity on direct seeded rice production system. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):2054-2058.