Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Principal component analysis and cluster analysis in Indian bean (Lablab purpureus L.)
Author(s): Hadavani JK, Mehta DR, Ansodariya SN and Gadhiya KK
Abstract: Indian bean is an important legume as well as vegetable crops cultivated in the tropical region of Asia, Africa and America. A study was carried out on a set of 50 genotypes of Indian bean during late kharif 2016-17. Seventeen quantitative traits were used to determine variability available between them and to identify principal components. Out of 17 characters, five principal components (PC1 to PC5) contributed 80.32% of total variation. Among these five principal components the green pod yield per plant, days to first picking, number of pods per plant, seed yield per plant and pod width was contributed greater towards variation in first, second, third, fourth and fifth principal component, respectively. Fifty genotypes of Indian bean grouped into five clusters based on D2 statistics. The maximum inter cluster distance was observed between cluster III and IV (29.31). The attributes viz., pod length, pod width, days to maturity and number of pods per plant would be useful for heterosis breeding as they contributed maximum towards total genetic divergence.
Pages: 1448-1452 | 605 Views 194 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Hadavani JK, Mehta DR, Ansodariya SN, Gadhiya KK. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis in Indian bean (Lablab purpureus L.). Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):1448-1452.