Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Evaluation of lawn grasses based on the qualitative and morphological traits
Author(s): VD Wadekar, Dr. PV Patil, Dr. GB Kadam, NV Gawade, PB Bhosale
Abstract: This study was conducted in order to determine the qualitative and morphological performances of turf grasses. This study was carried out in Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Pune (Maharashtra) to evaluate the performance of nine turf grasses during 2015-16.The experimental design was a Randomized Blocks Design with three replications. Results indicated for qualitative traits, Korean grass, American Blue grass exhibited green colour, All turf grasses under study exhibited fine leaf texture except Weeping love grass having medium coarse texture, Argentine grass Pensacola grass St. Augustine grass and Phosphelone grass having coarse texture. The highest grounds cover (100%) was observed in American blue grass and Bermuda grass at 60 DAT. The significantly maximum chlorophyll content 69.59 mg/100g was recorded by Bermuda grass when was significantly superior over rest of treatments. Performance for morphological traits indicated, the maximum shoot length was recorded in Phosphelone grass (80.82 cm), Argentine grass (6.95 mm) exhibited maximum stem thickness DAT. The maximum leaf length range between (45.07-50.43 cm) recorded in Weeping love grass and Taiwan grass recorded shortest leaf length (2.70 cm). Phosphelone grass recorded maximum leaf width (13.48 mm). Weeping love grass showed maximum root length (21.74 cm). After 120 days of transplanting maximum root shoot ratio (1.11) was recorded in Argentine grass. The maximum fresh weight of shoot and dry weight of roots was recorded in Weeping love grass whereas, the maximum fresh weight of roots was recorded in Argentine grass.
Pages: 1175-1179 | 584 Views 117 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
VD Wadekar, Dr. PV Patil, Dr. GB Kadam, NV Gawade, PB Bhosale. Evaluation of lawn grasses based on the qualitative and morphological traits. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):1175-1179.