Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Effect of nitrogen management through LCC and SPAD meter on growth and yield in direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Author(s): Vinay B Patil, BK Desai and Jagadish
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on medium black soil during kharif 2016 & 2017 at Agricultural Research Station, Gangavathi to study the effect of nitrogen management through LCC and SPAD meter on growth and yield in direct seeded rice. The results revealed that application of N through farmers’ method recorded higher plant height, number of tillers and plant dry weight but among real time methods, the LCC 5, LCC 4, recorded higher plant height, number of tillers and plant dry weight and were on par to recommended method during both the seasons. On the other hand, the treatment with No application of N but P and K applied and absolute control recorded lower plant height, number of tillers and dry weight. The pooled data on Grain yield (kg/ha) was significantly superior during both the years (4996 kg/ha) in application of N through farmers’ method (T7) which was superior over other treatments except LCC 5 (4699 kg/ha ), LCC 4 (4649 kg/ha), SPAD 40 (4490 kg/ha ) and SSNM method (4516 kg/ha) which were on par with each other by indicating saving of N to the tune of (31.8, 45.4, 36.3 and 22.7%, respectively) over N through farmers’ method. Higher agronomic efficiency was noticed in real time methods than application of N through farmers’ method. Among both the LCC 5 and LCC 4 being superior in growth and yield it is concluded that LCC 4 to be optimum for direct seeded rice.
Pages: 1074-1078 | 585 Views 141 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Vinay B Patil, BK Desai, Jagadish. Effect of nitrogen management through LCC and SPAD meter on growth and yield in direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.). Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):1074-1078.