Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Impact of front line demonstration of field pea in bundhekhand region of Madhya Pradesh
Author(s): BS Kirar, RK Jaiswal, Neha Singh Kirar and Ravi Yadav
Abstract: Front line demonstration on field pea was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Panna district during the period from 2013-14 and 2014-15 in seven villages of two blocks with 87 numbers of farmers. FLD on Prakash variety of the Field pea with full package of practice was conducted in a 28 ha during the two year with recommended improved practices. A control plot was also kept where farmers practices was carried out. In comparison to the year 2013-14, yield during the year 2014-15 was higher both in the demonstration plot (1928 kg/ha) and farmers plot (1530kg/ha). During both the years the mean yield in the demonstration plots were higher than the farmers plot by 24 and 26 percent respectively during2013-14 and 2014-15. The mean yield of the demonstration was 1871 kg/ha against the potential yield of 2200kg/ha of Prakash variety of the Field pea. The yield gap of 329 kg/ha indicates that there exits a technology gap. Interestingly the extension yield gap ranging between 350-398 kg/ha during the period of study was higher that the Technological yield gap. The technology index shows the feasibility of the evolved technology at the farmer’s fields and the lower technology index more is the feasibility of the technology index varied from 12.36 to 17.5 percent. Cultivation of field pea under improved technologies gave average higher net return of Rs. 35,868/ha as compared to Rs 27,230/ha under local farmers practices. The benefit cost ratio of field pea under improved technologies was higher (2.61) than that (2.41) under farmers practices.
Pages: 878-880 | 594 Views 116 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
BS Kirar, RK Jaiswal, Neha Singh Kirar, Ravi Yadav. Impact of front line demonstration of field pea in bundhekhand region of Madhya Pradesh. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):878-880.