Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Assessment of effects of sewage-sludge, zinc, boron and sulphur application on concentration and uptake of nutrients by mustard
Author(s): Neelam Yadav, SK Singh, Ayush Bahuguna, Sachin Sharma and Arvind Yadav
Abstract: The mustard growing areas in India are experiencing the vast diversity in the agro climatic conditions. Nutrient management stands among the most crucial factors in crop production. Exploitation of genetic yield potential of any new plant type depends on availability of all essential nutrients in balanced and optimum amounts. The application of sewage sludge (SS) as a source of plant nutrients and soil conditioner is increasingly being favoured by the farmers not only in our country but across the globe. Keeping these facts into consideration, the present investigation on effect of sulphur, zinc, boron and sewage sludge on growth, yield parameters and uptake and content of nutrient of mustard was carried out at the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P. (India) by growing mustard in a pot experiment conducted in net house. The samples of sewage sludge obtained were tested as source of nutrient for the crop production. Altogether twelve treatments consisted of combinations of sewage sludge and chemical fertilizers, S, Zn, B, along with a control were used for pot experiments. The result concluded that due to application of different level of boron, zinc, sulphur and sewage sludge in mustard crop, a significant increase content as well as uptake of nutrients in grain and stover can be obtained. The maximum NPK content of seed was found in T10 followed by T12. The maximum seeds yield was found in treatment T10 followed by T12 with 20.90 and 19.13 g pot-1, respectively but both these are statistically at par with each other. The minimum seeds yield was found in absolute control (T1). The treatments in which B was applied alone and in combination with the sulphur and zinc show a significant increase in seed yield. Thus boron applied with the combination of sulphur and zinc is more effective to produce more seeds yield then alone application of boron. The treatments T8 shows significant increase over T4, T6 and T7. The treatments T6 and T7 are not significant with each other. The combined application of sludge and inorganic fertilization might be enhanced nutrient content and uptake of nutrient in mustard crop.
Pages: 363-367 | 798 Views 138 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Neelam Yadav, SK Singh, Ayush Bahuguna, Sachin Sharma, Arvind Yadav. Assessment of effects of sewage-sludge, zinc, boron and sulphur application on concentration and uptake of nutrients by mustard. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):363-367.