Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2018)
Impact of biofertilizers in enhancing growth and productivity of wheat: A review
Author(s): Amit Kumar and Urmila
Abstract: At global level, India is the second largest producer of wheat in the world. Higher yield of wheat can be obtained through judicious use of plant nutrients. The minerals will continue to play the key role in the argumentations of the food production in the entire world. In recent past due to escalation cost of chemical fertilizer and with objective to minimizing environmental pollution, awareness is increasing being created on the use of organics including biofertilizers which are the sources of macro, micro and secondary nutrients to sustain the soil fertility and productivity also. The integrated nutrient supply envisages conjunctive use of inorganic and organic sources of plant nutrient and biofrtilizers for crop productivity besides sustaining soil health. In recent past years, biofrtilizers like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, PSB, Azospirrillum and liquid biofertilizers have shown tremendous potential to increase yield of wheat as these are ecofriendly and low cost agriculture inputs. The literature pertaining to this kind of research in wheat is presented in an elaborative way and is reviewed in this paper.
Pages: 360-362 | 1249 Views 604 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Amit Kumar, Urmila. Impact of biofertilizers in enhancing growth and productivity of wheat: A review. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(4):360-362.