Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)
Relational analysis of entrepreneurial behavior of banana growers
Author(s): Wanole SN, Bande KD, Holkar SC and Mardane RG
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying and utilizing available opportunities and resources to convert an idea into the form of a product or service to market. Entrepreneurial behavior is the package of personality characteristics and environmental factors related to dynamic agent of change for transforming physical, natural and human resources into corresponding production possibilities. Biggest banana producing countries are hardly involved in the international banana trade at all. Banana is the fourth most important staple crop in the world, critical for food security in many tropical countries. The highest consumption per person is in Uganda, where bananas are produced solely for local consumption. The objective of this study was to study the profile of banana growers. The present study was conducted in Ardhapur, Mudkhaed and Nanded tahsils of Nanded district from Marathwada region of Maharashtra state. The sample constituted 120 banana growers from three tahsils. Multistage sampling was used. Collected data were classified, tabulated and analyzed by using statistical methods like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and multiple regressions. The rural women entrepreneurs were personally interviewed with the help of a specially designed interview schedule. The major findings of this study that, majority (67.50 percent) farmers medium farming experience, banana growers were educated to higher secondary school level (32.50 percent), family size of the farmer (62.50 percent), banana growers medium social participation (70.00 percent), mass media use (66.66 percent),farmers medium market orientation (72.50 percent),entrepreneurial behavior, majority of the growers medium level of innovativeness (63.33%), achievement motivation (67.50%), farm decision making ability (60.00%), risk taking ability (61.67%), information seeking behaviour (71.67%), leadership ability (65.83%) and Cosmopoliteness (74.16%). medium entrepreneurial behavior (45.00 percent). Little more than two third (67.50 percent) of the banana growers were medium level Entrepreneurial Behavior Index (EBI). The variables namely education, land holding, family size, occupation, annual income, faming experience in banana cultivation, mass media use, social participation, economic motivation and market orientation were found important in influencing the entrepreneurial behaviour of the banana growers. The coefficient of correlation the selected variables viz., education, family size, annual income, social participation, mass media use, economic motivation and market orientation had positive and highly significant relationship with their entrepreneurial behavior. Also independent variables of farming experience, occupation and land holding had positive significant relationship with their entrepreneurial behavior. The value of coefficient of multiple regressions (R2) in this case was 0.540 indicating thereby, that 54.00 percent variation in the entrepreneurial behaviour of the banana growers was explained by the ten independent variables selected for the study.
Pages: 2407-2411 | 775 Views 201 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Wanole SN, Bande KD, Holkar SC, Mardane RG. Relational analysis of entrepreneurial behavior of banana growers. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):2407-2411.