Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)
Genotypic and phenotypic correlation studies on ten black gram genotypes under moisture deficit situation
Author(s): Dibosh Bordoloi, Akashi Sarma, Debojit Sarma, Amrit Tamuly, Shyamal Kumar Phukon, Syed Wasifur Rahman, Palash Thengal and Milon Jyoti Konwar
Abstract: Black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) is an important food legume and it has high nutritive value with 24-26% protein. Black gram production is affected by various abiotic and biotic constraints which penalize seed yields. Among them, drought is known to cause the substantial reduction in the seed yield of the crop. This study was conducted to evaluate black gram genotypes for genetic parameters and drought tolerance. A total of 10 black gram genotypes were studied under moisture stress and non-stress situations in pot experiments at Assam Agricultural University during 2015. A complete randomized design with three replications was used. Analysis of genotypic and phenotypic correlation revealed that there was the significant positive correlation between seed yield with cluster per plant, leaf area, chlorophyll content, seeds per pod and pods per plant. It was also found that the correlations between seed yield with the number of days to 50% flowering and proline content were negative and significant. Characters like chlorophyll content, pods per plant and seeds per pod showed the significant correlation in both moisture stress and non-stress situation. However, further testing of these genotypes in the field conditions under both situations is required to assess the real worth of the genotypes.
Pages: 1923-1926 | 676 Views 92 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Dibosh Bordoloi, Akashi Sarma, Debojit Sarma, Amrit Tamuly, Shyamal Kumar Phukon, Syed Wasifur Rahman, Palash Thengal, Milon Jyoti Konwar. Genotypic and phenotypic correlation studies on ten black gram genotypes under moisture deficit situation. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):1923-1926.