Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)
Integrated nutrient management for sustainable yield in rice-potato-groundnut cropping system
Author(s): Khanda A, Choudhary NB, Roy M and Mukhopadhaya P
Abstract: The effect of seven different organic treatment in combination with inorganic fertilizer on crops in rice-potato-groundnut cropping sequence from an ongoing long-term fertility experiment at Gayespur (Central Research Farm, BCKV).The experimental conditions of different treatment combinations allowed building up the organic matter status and different nutrient levels with addition of different organic and inorganic sources of nutrients and bio-fertilizers. The present study has taken advantages of an established experimental set up and selected some relevant portions rice-potato-groundnut crop rotation. The objective of the present set of experiment is to study the combined effect of inorganic N, P, K fertilizer and FYM as organic source along with ZnSO4 and bio fertilizer (Azospirillum, Azotobacter and PSB) on the status of organic carbon, total nitrogen and availability of N, P, K, Zn and S in soil.
Pages: 1829-1833 | 630 Views 107 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Khanda A, Choudhary NB, Roy M, Mukhopadhaya P. Integrated nutrient management for sustainable yield in rice-potato-groundnut cropping system. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):1829-1833.