Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)
Characterization and classification of soils under different landforms using geospatial technology in Kupti watershed of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra
Author(s): AJ Patangray, NG Patil, AR Pagdhune, SK Singh and VN Mishra
Abstract: The present investigation was carried out in the Kupti watershed of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra for the characterization and classification of soils. Soil survey at 1:10000 scale was carried out using base map and landform-soil relationship was established. Ten soil series have been tentatively identified. The representative pedons of each soil series were analysed for different parameters. The soils of very gently sloping and gently sloping plateau top were shallow to slightly deep, well drained to somewhat excessively drained, clay loam to clay, moderate to severely eroded and classified as Lithic Ustorthent and Vertic Haplustept whereas, most soils occurring on very gently sloping lower and upper alluvial plains were deep, well drained, brown (7.5YR 3/2 and 10 YR 4/2) in colour, calcareous, clay loam to clay in texture, moderately eroded and classified as Vertic Haplustept and Typic Haplustert. The soils of pediment occurring on gently to moderately sloping lands were very shallow to moderately deep, clay in texture, moderately eroded were classified as Lithic Ustorthent and Typic Haplustert. The soils of escarpments on moderately steeply sloping lands were shallow, well drained, clay loam, very severely eroded and classified as Lithic Ustorthent. Surface horizons of most of the soils exhibit medium, moderate subangular blocky structure whereas, it is sub-angular to angular blocky in the sub-surface horizons.
Pages: 1296-1304 | 616 Views 118 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
AJ Patangray, NG Patil, AR Pagdhune, SK Singh, VN Mishra. Characterization and classification of soils under different landforms using geospatial technology in Kupti watershed of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):1296-1304.