Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)
Perpetuation and management studies of die-back disease of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch.) caused by Diplodia seriata de not. From Kashmir valley
Author(s): Hilal A Bhat, Nisar A Khan, Khurshid Ahmad, Rayees A Ahanger, Arif H Bhat, Javid I Mir and Mudasir I Wani
Abstract: Diplodia seriata perpetuates through winter in the form of mycelium and pycnidia containing pycnidiospores on over-wintered infected pruned snags on orchard floor as well as un-pruned intact twigs. The maximum conidial production on infected twigs lying on orchard floor as well on un-pruned intact twigs was observed during end of May. The infected twigs of un-pruned intact twigs as well as pruned snags lying on orchard floor served as the most important over-wintering sites for D.seriata. The fungitoxicants tested for their efficacy against the die-back disease proved significantly effective in checking the disease. Minimum die-back intensity of 1.37 per cent was recorded in treatment T1 where copper-oxychloride 50WP (0.3%) was applied at dormant stage besides, captan + hexaconazole 75 WP (0.05%), carbendazim + mancozeb 75WP (0.25%), difenconazole 25 EC (0.03%), mancozeb 75 WP (0.3%), carbendazim 50WP (0.05%) and carbendazim + mancozeb 75WP (0.25%) applied at bud swell, bud burst, petal fall, fruit let, 20 days after and 40 days after fruit let stages, respectively. Maximum disease intensity of 9.55 per cent however, was recorded in treatment T23, were only copper-oxychloride 50WP (0.3%) as dormant spray was applied. Similarly least die-back intensity of 0.87 per cent was recorded in pruned almond trees followed by seven fungicidal sprays at various phonological stages of almond tree growth.
Pages: 1289-1295 | 620 Views 114 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Hilal A Bhat, Nisar A Khan, Khurshid Ahmad, Rayees A Ahanger, Arif H Bhat, Javid I Mir, Mudasir I Wani. Perpetuation and management studies of die-back disease of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch.) caused by Diplodia seriata de not. From Kashmir valley. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):1289-1295.