Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)
Development of phyto-protein enriched mango ready to serve beverage
Author(s): Naseer Ahmed, Saleem Siddiqui, Rakesh Gehlot, Babita and Simran Arora
Abstract: The investigation was conducted to develop the protein fortified mango RTS. Various proportions of soya protein isolate (SPI), peanut protein isolates (PPI) and rice bran protein concentrate (RBPC) were added to the mango pulp to fortify mango RTS. It was observed that there was progressive decrease in the sensory scores of the beverage with increase in proportion of protein concentrate in it. The ready to serve (RTS) beverage prepared by addition of SPI @ 1% followed by RBPC @ 1% showed maximum overall acceptability. Minimum acceptability was for RTS prepared by PPI. There was an increase in TSS, acidity, and non-enzymatic browning, while a decrease was observed in pH, ascorbic acid and crude protein contents of beverages during storage. However, microbial spoilage was not detected in beverages during storage. The soya isolate/milk fortified RTS scored relatively lesser with respect to control in organoleptic evaluation. The sugar replacement with fructose showed improvement in overall acceptability
Pages: 1144-1148 | 622 Views 114 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Naseer Ahmed, Saleem Siddiqui, Rakesh Gehlot, Babita, Simran Arora. Development of phyto-protein enriched mango ready to serve beverage. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):1144-1148.