International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 6, Issue 3 (2018)

Performance of pearlmillet + greengram intercropping as influenced by different planting techniques and integrated nitrogen management under rainfed condition

Author(s): Virendra Kumar, RP Singh, Santosh Kumar, UN Shukla and K Kumar

Abstract: Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of planting techniques and integrated nitrogen management on growth attribute, yield attribute and yield of pearlmillet and greengram at agricultural research farm of Banaras Hindu University during kharif season of 2010 and 2011. The experiment comprised four planting techniques viz. uniform row, paired row, ridge-furrow and raised bed system and six integrated nitrogen management practices viz. 100% RDN (IF) to pearlmillet + no fertilizer to greengram, 100% RDN (IF) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram, 25% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram, 50% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram, 75% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet +100% RDF (IF) to greengram and 100% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram. Raised bed system being at par with ridge-furrow system showed its significant superiority over paired row and uniform row system in respect of yield attributes, yield, protein content, quality characters and protein harvest. Application of 100% RDN (IF) + 25% RDN (VC) to pearlmillet + 100% RDF (IF) to greengram was found significantly most effective in increasing growth attributes, yield attributes and yield over others treatments.

Pages: 705-708  |  613 Views  90 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Virendra Kumar, RP Singh, Santosh Kumar, UN Shukla, K Kumar. Performance of pearlmillet + greengram intercropping as influenced by different planting techniques and integrated nitrogen management under rainfed condition. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(3):705-708.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies