International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2018)

Effect of crop establishment, nitrogen levels and time of nitrogen application on growth and yield attributing parameters of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Author(s): AV Dahipahle and UP Singh

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during 2016 and 2017 at the Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) India. Field experiments were laid out in split plot design replicated thrice. The soil of the experimental field was sandy clay loam texture with pH 7.3. It was moderately fertile, being low in available organic carbon (0.34 %), available nitrogen (214.60 kg ha-1) and medium in available phosphorus (18.45 kg ha-1) and potassium (220.69 kg ha-1). The experiment was laid out in split-plot design with two crop establishment methods viz., C1- Conventional tillage, C2-Zero tillage and four nitrogen levels viz. N1- 90 kg ha-1, N2- 120 kg ha-1, N3- 150 kg ha-1 and N4- 180 kg ha-1 in the main plot and four time of nitrogen application treatment viz. T1: 25% N as basal + 50% N at active tillering stage + 25% N at panicle initiation stage; T2:15% N as basal +22.5% at 15-20 DAS+ 40% N at active tillering stage + 22.5% N at panicle initiation stage; T3: 33.3 % N at 15-20 DAS + 33.3 % at active tillering stage + 33.3 % at panicle initiation stage; T4: 25% N at 15-20 DAS+ 25% N at active tillering stage + 25% N at panicle initiation stage + 25% N at heading in sub-plots for both the years. Zero till DSR has recorded higher in growth, yield and yield contributing parameters compared to the conventional DSR. Among nitrogen levels, 180 kg N ha -1 recorded significantly higher growth which is identical with application of 150 kg N ha -1, However, in case of yield and yield contributing parameters significantly higher yield was observed with 150 kg N ha -1 which is at par with 180 kg N ha -1. Treatment (T3) 33.3 % N at 15-20 DAS + 33.3 % at active tillering stage + 33.3 % at panicle initiation were significantly influenced growth, yield and yield attributes such as plant height, number of tillers m-2, dry matter accumulation and LAI, panicle weight, panicle m-2, grains per panicle, fertility percentage grain yield and straw yield respectively as compared to rest of the treatments except treatment (T2) 15% N as basal +22.5% at 15-20 DAS+ 40% N at active tillering stage + 22.5% N at panicle initiation stage. During both the years of experimentation.

Pages: 2889-2893  |  658 Views  130 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
AV Dahipahle, UP Singh. Effect of crop establishment, nitrogen levels and time of nitrogen application on growth and yield attributing parameters of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.). Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(2):2889-2893.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies