Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2018)
Efficacy of Tricyclazole with integrated disease management against the disease control and yield improvement of rice
Author(s): SC Yadav, SC Mukherjee and RS Netam
Abstract: Rice “the queen of cereals†occupies 11% of world’s crop area and is a staple food for above 60% world’s population. Chhattisgarh state is known as rice bowl in the India. Bastar plateau sub-humid agro-climatic zone, agriculture is still largely traditional with low crop productivity. Critical inputs viz. improved seed, fertilizer, organic manure, chemicals, etc. are also not easily available and use by the farmers. Farmers do not use proper crop rotation techniques and plant protection measures due to that diseases and pest problem are higher every year. A crop failure, for any reason, poses a real threat of starvation. Blast of Rice caused by Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr is an important disease of rice, which accounts for serious yield losses in all rice growing areas of the country. The fungus Pyricularia grisea attacks at all stages of the crop and symptoms appear on leaves and nodes (Seebold et al., 2004). Bhatt (1988) reported more than 65 % loss in yield in the susceptible rice cultivars. For every 10% of neck blast about 6% yield reduction and 5% increase in chalky kernels are recorded (Katsube and Koshimizu, 1970). Rice blast and blight caused by fungus, causes lesions to form on leaves, stems, peduncles, panicles, seeds, and even roots. So great is the potential threat for crop failure from this disease that it has been ranked among the most important plant diseases of them all. With the aim of controlling the rice blast by using integrated control methods the present investigation was undertaken in the field trail experiments against the disease in order to find out suitable management methods of blast.
Integrated Disease Management (IDM) is important for reducing threat to environment and for sustaining higher yields. There is need to test and demonstrate IDM technique at farmers fields for their wide adoptability. On-farm trials and front line demonstrations were conducted through Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bastar in Kharif 2012 and 2013, to popularize IDM module to boost rice production in diseases prone area of Bastar platue. Mainly focus in IDM on resistant variety, weed free field, seed treatment with Trycyclazole @ 0.1% followed by foliar spray of Tricyclazole @ 0.06% at appearance of disease.
Yield improved to the tune of 33.5 per cent by the IDM module over farmers practice plots. Net returns (Rs. 32200) and benefit cost ratio (1.78) were also higher in same practice. An additional income of Rs. 8080/ha was obtained over the farmers practice.
Pages: 2107-2109 | 818 Views 206 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
SC Yadav, SC Mukherjee, RS Netam. Efficacy of Tricyclazole with integrated disease management against the disease control and yield improvement of rice. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(2):2107-2109.