Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2018)
Perspectives on integrated nutrient management in soil properties of rice crop
Author(s): Shweta Masram, SK Vishwakarma, Alok Suryawanshi and Bhawana Saharan
Abstract: The present investigation entitled “Production potential of scented rice under different organic nutrient management†was conducted during the year 2012 at Krishi Nagar, Research Farm, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.). This study has been started since the year 2003-04 under AICRP on Integrated Farming System. It is obvious from the results that pH of soil did not deviate after completion of ninth crop-cycle under a rice-based cropping system. The treatments were applied in rice crop under rice-based cropping systems. In all 7 treatments consisted with T1 :- 50% NPK through fertilizers + 50% N through FYM, T2 :- 1/3 N through each of FYM, vermicompost (VC) and neem cake (NC), T3 :- T2 +Agronomic practices of weed control, T4 :- T2 + BGA+ Rock phosphate + PSB, T5 :- T2 + Azospirillium +PSB, T6 :- 100% NPK through fertilizers + Zn as per soil test values (STV) and T7 :- T2 + Green manuring of sunhemp under randomized block design. The EC, OC, N and P contents remarkably improved due to the effects organic nutrient management over their initial status, but inorganic treated plot did not change these soil parameters over their parental status. Organic treated plots to rice crop for 3 consecutive years under a fixed rice based cropping system attributed to enhance the EC, OC and N contents of soil and maintained the sustainability on long run basis.
Pages: 196-198 | 1234 Views 96 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Shweta Masram, SK Vishwakarma, Alok Suryawanshi, Bhawana Saharan. Perspectives on integrated nutrient management in soil properties of rice crop. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(2):196-198.