International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 6, Issue 1 (2018)

Effect of integrated nitrogen management on nutrient content, uptake, quality and yield of rabi sorghum (Sorghum bicolour L.) under South Gujarat condition

Author(s): JB Patil, MK Arvadia and DS Thorave

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at the College Farm, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (Gujarat) during the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 on clayey soil to study the effect of INM on growth, yield and economics of rabi sorghum. The treatment consisted of integrated nitrogen management viz., 100% RDF (80:40:0 NPK/ha) through inorganic fertilizer + biocompost @ 10 t/ha (T1), 100% RDN through inorganic fertilizer (T2), 75% RDN through inorganic fertilizer + 25% RDN through biocompost (T3), 75% RDN through inorganic fertilizer + 25% RDN through biocompost + biofertilizer (T4), 50% RDN through inorganic fertilizer + 50% RDN through biocompost (T5) and 50% RDN through inorganic fertilizer + 50% RDN through biocompost + biofertilizer (T6) replicated four times in randomized block design. Result revealed that 100% RDF (80:40:0 NPK/ha) through inorganic fertilizer + biocompost @ 10 t/ha recorded numerically higher nutrient NPK content in grain and stover as well as protein content in grain of sorghum. Treatment 100% RDF (80:40:0 NPK/ha) through inorganic fertilizer + biocompost @ 10 t/ha registered significantly higher total uptake of nutrient NPK by sorghum crop and protein yield over rest of treatment.

Pages: 1095-1097  |  870 Views  129 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
JB Patil, MK Arvadia, DS Thorave. Effect of integrated nitrogen management on nutrient content, uptake, quality and yield of rabi sorghum (Sorghum bicolour L.) under South Gujarat condition. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(1):1095-1097.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies