Vol. 6, Issue 1 (2018)
Characterization and mapping of groundwater quality in Siwan block of Kaithal district in Haryana
Author(s): Parveen Rathi, Ramprakash, Sanjay Kumar, Satyavan and Naveen Rathi
Abstract: Present study has been carried out to assess and categorize the quality of groundwater in Siwan block of Kaithal district by focusing on electrical conductivity (EC), pH, cationic and anionic composition of groundwater. 76 groundwater samples were collected from the running tube wells across whole of the block at a distance of 1-2 km and analyzed for various chemical parameters i.e. pH, anions (CO32-, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-) and cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+). According to AICRP (1989) classification, among the 76 samples collected from Siwan block, maximum samples were in good category (64.5%) followed by alkali (34.2%) and saline (1.3%). In saline group, 1.32% samples were in marginally saline category, while in alkali group, 14.47, 15.79 and 3.95% samples were present in marginally alkali, alkali and highly alkali category, respectively. Study revealed that 98.68% of the total samples had an EC value upto 2 dSm-1. Spatial maps of EC, SAR, RSC and water quality of groundwater used for irrigation in the block were prepared through GIS to study spatial variability.
Pages: 986-990 | 886 Views 87 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Parveen Rathi, Ramprakash, Sanjay Kumar, Satyavan, Naveen Rathi. Characterization and mapping of groundwater quality in Siwan block of Kaithal district in Haryana. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(1):986-990.