Vol. 6, Issue 1 (2018)
Impact of fertigation on leaf nutrient status and quality attributes of banana cv. Ney poovan
Author(s): K Vanilarasu, J Suresh, K Soorianathasundaram, T Raguchander, K Devrajan and K Kumar
Abstract: The growing awareness on health makes consumer more concerned for food quality and safety. In banana, TSS, acidity and sugar content mostly determine the degree of acceptability of ripe fruit. In this nutrients play an important role in improving productivity and quality of banana. It has been observed that the nutrient applied alone was less effective in improving quality banana production as compared to nutrients applied in combination with bioinoculants. Keeping in view the conservation of soil health and quality production on a long-term basis, a field experiment was conducted during 2014–2015 to find out the influence of commercial fertilizers along with bioinoculants application through fertigation on leaf nutrient status and quality attributes in banana cv. Ney Poovan. The study indicates that combined application of inorganic fertilizers along with bioinoculants significantly increased the leaf nutrient status such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium at 5th and 7th MAP and also quality characteristics in terms of TSS, Acidity, Ascorbic acid, Reducing, Non-reducing and Total sugar were significantly influenced by the combination of inorganic fertilizers along with bioinoculants. Treatment involving combination of 100 % recommended dose of fertilizer + Azospirillum + Bacillus subtilis through fertigation showed overall superiority in most of the parameters.
Pages: 811-815 | 865 Views 123 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
K Vanilarasu, J Suresh, K Soorianathasundaram, T Raguchander, K Devrajan, K Kumar. Impact of fertigation on leaf nutrient status and quality attributes of banana cv. Ney poovan. Int J Chem Stud 2018;6(1):811-815.