International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 5, Issue 6 (2017)

Dynamics of physico-biochemical changes in Passion fruit varieties across maturity

Author(s): Thejangulie Angami, H Kalita, Sikimoni Baruah, Takar Ronya, Banu Bam and Kshitiz Kumar Shukla

Abstract: This study was undertaken to evaluate the physico-biochemical changes of three passion fruit varieties viz. Yellow, Purple and Kaveri at three different maturity stages classified according to the peel colour as green mature, turning, and full ripe under natural ripening process. The results showed that properties of fruits were significantly changed corresponding to different maturity levels. The fruit length, breadth and weight increased gradually from initial green mature stage to turning stage thereafter, slightly decline at full ripe stage in all the varieties. TSS of fruit juice increased with the advancement of maturity in all the varieties with Purple variety exhibiting the highest TSS content (16.23 °B) at full ripe stage. Ascorbic acid content, total sugar, reducing sugar and β-carotene content showed increasing trends across maturity in all the varieties. Kaveri recorded the highest ascorbic acid content (43.97 mg/100 g) and reducing sugar (7.26 %) while Purple variety recorded maximum total sugar (15.67 %) and Yellow variety exhibited highest β-carotene content (3.92 µg/100 g) at full ripe stage. Acidity increased across maturity followed by a reduction at full ripe stage in all the varieties of which Yellow variety recorded maximum of 4.23 % at full ripe stage. The decrease in acidity coincided with increase in juice pH. Meanwhile, a decreasing trend in total phenols was observed in all the three varieties with the advancement in maturity. The maximum fruit juice content was extracted from the variety Kaveri with 34.53 % closely followed by Yellow variety with 33.98 % at full ripe stage.

Pages: 162-165  |  1353 Views  106 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Thejangulie Angami, H Kalita, Sikimoni Baruah, Takar Ronya, Banu Bam, Kshitiz Kumar Shukla. Dynamics of physico-biochemical changes in Passion fruit varieties across maturity. Int J Chem Stud 2017;5(6):162-165.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies