International Journal of Chemical Studies
  • Printed Journal
  • Indexed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal
P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

2017, Vol. 5, Issue 4

S. No. Articles
Studies on seasonal variation in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in groundwater of Kolar District in relation to varied temperature in different seasons of the years 2014 and 2015
Krishnappa S
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 184-188
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Effect of foliar spray and soil application of micronutrients on yield and quality of coriander in lateritic soils of Konkan region
SC Jadhav, Pooja S Sawant, PB Sanap, UY Puranik, SS Prabhudesai and JP Devmore
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 214-216
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Transesterification of Annona squamosa (Custard apple) seed oil using montmorilloniteK-10 as catalyst and characterization of the fatty acid methyl ester
Manoj Sarma
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 217-220
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Assessment of soil biological properties under different land uses in barog-dhillon watershed in solan district of Himachal Pradesh
Dinesh Kumar, GP Upadhyay, Anil Dutt and KG Bhutia
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 221-224
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Integrated nutrient management studies for protected cultivation of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.)
Goutam Kumar and MS Biradar
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 225-227
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A review on nanocomposite materials for food packaging which comprising antimicrobial activity
GO De Silva, AT Abeysundara and MMW Aponso
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 228-230
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Herbicidal effect of imazethapyr and its ready-mix with imazemox on weed control efficiency in green gram (Vigna radiata L.)
Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Bollaveni Sathish Kumar, Bavajigudi Shobha Rathod and J Ravinder
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 231-234
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Assessment of wheat production potential under different tillage and precision nutrient management
Maya Krishna, DS Pandey, Rajeew Kumar, Subhash Chandra and Poonam Gautam
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 235-238
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Effect of liquid and solid bio-fertilizers (Rhizobium and PSB) on growth attributes, yield and economics of fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum L.]
Kaluram Kumawat, Prahladbhai Pitambardas Patel, Devendra Dambiwal, Thumu Venkateswara Reddy and Chouthu Ram Hakla
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 239-242
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Serum biochemical profile of indigenous pigs in Tamil Nadu
Sangli Vikram Kumar K, Balasubramanyam D, Senthil NR, Manju G and Gopi H
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 243-245
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International Journal of Chemical Studies