International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

2017, Vol. 5, Issue 4

S. No. Articles
Management of collar rot disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Caused by Aspergillus niger through bio-agents
Manju Kumari and Mahabeer Singh
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 73-76
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Management of black scurf disease of potato in Rajasthan
Dr. RK Bagri, Dr. Vipin Kumar and Manju Kumari
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 77-79
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Bio-intensive management of collar rot disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) caused by Aspergillus niger
Manju Kumari and Mahabeer Singh
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 80-82
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Management of black scurf disease of potato using chemicals Penflufen and Boric acid
Dr. RK Bagri, Dr. Vipin Kumar and Manju Kumari
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 83-85
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Comparative thin layer chromatographic evaluation of some Western Himalayan Swertia species
Aruna Mehta, Romesh Chand Rana, Yash Pal Sharma and Seema Sharma
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 86-92
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To study effect of organic sources and pruning patterns on growth and yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum var. Grossum) cv. Shalimar hybrid-2 under protected conditions
Tariq A Bhat, KP Wani, AA Sheikh, F Mushtaq, Asif MR, Ejaz A and MS Dar
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 93-96
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Genetic potency identification of indigenous rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines using quality assessment and SSR marker analysis
Lokesh Gour, GK Koutu, SK Singh and DK Mishra
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 97-101
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Phytoremediation prospective of Indian shot (Canna indica) in treating the sewage effluent through hybrid reed bed (HRB) technology
K Suganya and S Paul Sebastian
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 102-105
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Effect of inorganic fertilizer and crop residue on yield attributes and yieldof rice (Oryza sativa L.) Vr. Pusa Basmati- 1121
CH Hemant Solanki, Tarence Thomas, Arun A David, Rajiv Nandan and Akash Singh
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 106-109
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Effect of precision land leveling and Zinc bioavailability: Water use, productivity and input use efficiency in transition from flooded to aerobic rice (Oryza sativa)
Sunil Kumar, Ashish Dwivedi, Vineet Kumar, Mohd Qasim Ansari and RK Naresh
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2017; 5(4): 110-118
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International Journal of Chemical Studies