International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 5, Issue 4 (2017)

Effect of intercropping and planting methods on yield, quality and economics of sugarcane under lateritic soil condition

Author(s): VV Zarekar, HM Patil, VN Game and SB Gangawane

Abstract: The present investigation entitled “Effect of intercropping and planting methods on growth, yield and quality of sugarcane under lateritic soil condition” was conducted at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli. during Suru season of 2015. The trial was laid out in a randomized block design. There were seven treatments which were replicated thrice. The treatments mainly comprised of Sole sugarcane with 90 cm spacing (T1), Sole PRS (Paired row sugarcane) i.e. 60 x 60 – 120 cm (T2), PRS + groundnut (T3), PRS + sweet corn (T4), PRS + cabbage (T5), PRS + amaranthus (T6) and PRS + green gram (T7). Results revealed that treatment sole paired row planted sugarcane (60 x 60 –120 cm) produced higher growth, yield attributes and yield as compared to the conventional method of planting (90 cm in furrows) under study. Among the different treatments of planting methods and intercropping systems, paired row planted sugarcane intercropped with green gram recorded highest cane yield (89.03 t ha-1), highest number of millable canes (78251.67), green top yield (11.66 t ha-1) and trash yield (9.15 t ha-1). Similarly, these treatments recorded significantly highest growth characters as well as various yield attributing characters. Under different intercropping systems, the intercrop sweet corn recorded highest yield (8277 kg ha-1) and sugarcane equivalent yield (146.38 t ha-1). The quality parameters of sugarcane viz., brix, pol, purity, CCS per cent and CCS yield (t ha-1) was not influenced to the significant extent due to various methods of planting and intercropping systems. The maximum nutrient uptake recorded when paired row planted sugarcane intercropped with green gram. So far economic assessment is concerned, maximum net realization of Rs. 1,49,212 ha-1 recorded with treatment paired row planted sugarcane intercropped with sweet corn. Also, the highest benefit: cost ratio (1.79) was recorded when paired row planted sugarcane intercropped with sweet corn. On the basis of results obtained during study, it can be concluded that the paired row planting method of sugarcane found to be more beneficial and profitable than their conventional planting (90 cm). The combination of sugarcane intercropped with sweet corn in the paired row planted sugarcane (60 x 60 –120 cm) found to be more remunerative followed by sugarcane intercropped with cabbage.

Pages: 1895-1900  |  1146 Views  185 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
VV Zarekar, HM Patil, VN Game, SB Gangawane. Effect of intercropping and planting methods on yield, quality and economics of sugarcane under lateritic soil condition. Int J Chem Stud 2017;5(4):1895-1900.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies