Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2017)
Electrolyte and hormone profile of Doom pigs of Assam of different age groups
Author(s): R Nath, A Barman, S Sarma, J Goswami, S Sarmah and I Deka
Abstract: A study was carried out to find out the electrolyte and hormone profile of different age groups of an indigenous pig locally called Doom of Assam, India. A total of eighteen Doom pigs of different ages from Livestock Research Station, Mandira, Assam Agricultural University were taken for the study. Group I consisted of 0-2 months (pre-weaning) old piglets and group II consisted of pigs of 2-5 months (weaned) old pigs and group III consisted of 8 months and above (adult) pigs. Electrolytes were estimated spectrometrically using commercially available kits and hormones were estimated by Radio immuno assay (RIA) I-125 gamma counter. From the assay it was concluded that the electrolytes potassium, calcium, phosphorus, chloride and magnesium had an increasing trend with increase in age.
Pages: 149-151 | 1355 Views 106 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
R Nath, A Barman, S Sarma, J Goswami, S Sarmah, I Deka. Electrolyte and hormone profile of Doom pigs of Assam of different age groups. Int J Chem Stud 2017;5(2):149-151.