Vol. 5, Issue 1 (2017)
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension among elderly population in Dhaka City
Author(s): AKM Mamun Ur Rashid, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, BM Rabiul Islam and Md Abu Hossain
Abstract: Elderly populations are susceptible to many non-communicable diseases particularly, hypertension and diabetes. Lack of awareness regarding disease status and risk factors increase the complications and mortality. The aims of this study were: (i) to determine the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in elderly people in this study, (ii) to identify the determinants of hypertension and diabetes. Cross-sectional study was conducted among 136 purposely selected participants aged 60 years and above in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Structured questionnaire was used to collect information regarding prevalence and potential determinants of hypertension and diabetes. Age of the study subjects varied from 60 to 95 years and maximum numbers of the respondents were in the age group between 60-69 years. Among the study people more than seventy percent respondents were within the 60 -69 age group (73.5%) followed by (14.7%) were within the 70 – 79 age group. A there were 80 males (58.8%) and 56 females (41.2%). Most of the respondents were retired person (38%). Housewives were (22%). Only (16%) respondents were involved in business. Education status of elderly people varied from illiteracy to higher education. About 43% of the elderly respondents had completed up to secondary school level followed by intermediate level 30%. Muslims participants were (57%) and others included Hindu & Christan was (42.6%). Sixty eight percent respondents were married and rests of them were either unmarried or widowed or separated. Out of 136 respondents, (30.2%) were never smokers. More than one third of the respondents were currently smokers (44.1). More than the fifty percent respondents had no history of exercise (68.4%). Perceptions of respondents about their present health condition were ascertained. A total of 61 respondents (44.9%) felt their health was good, (25%) felt their health was satisfactory and (30%) of the respondents’ perception was found to be poor. Among the study population overweight were (44.9%) followed by normal (31.6%). Rest was underweight (23.5%). DM and HTN were almost equal among the respondents followed by combination of both DM and HTN (24.3%). Only (5%) had other chronic diseases and (17.6%) had no chronic diseases. Among the respondent male had DM (22.5%), HTN (25%) and both DM and HTN was (28.7%). On the other hand, female respondents had DM (34%), HTN (23.2%) and both DM and HTN was (21.4%) and there was significant difference between sex and diseases. Among the female respondents (69%) were overweight. In case of male overweight were (27.5%) and statistically significant (p<.05.CI 95%). The high prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in the elderly population studied and identify an important public health problem. There is a need of regular screening of hypertension and diabetes and improved health care and education in the elderly.
Pages: 175-180 | 1434 Views 116 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
AKM Mamun Ur Rashid, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, BM Rabiul Islam, Md Abu Hossain. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension among elderly population in Dhaka City. Int J Chem Stud 2017;5(1):175-180.